Maximize your hiring through social media!!
As we all are aware, social media plays a crucial role in recruitment today.
If your social recruiting strategies aren't up to snuff, you could be missing out on the best candidates—or worse, turning them off to your job openings entirely. Employers need a social media recruitment system that can help them effectively source and communicate with the right candidates. PowerHunt will give you complete analytics of how many applications you have received from which social media account.
Utilize your company website like never before. Create a careers page and post job openings directly to your website so candidates can see all job openings in one location. PowerHunt lets users create an account allowing them to directly apply to one or multiple jobs with only one application. Increase your exposure by posting jobs on most popular job boards.
Make your openings public
You can post your openings directly to your social media accounts without leaving Powerhunt. Once you create an opening in Powerhunt, you'll be prompted to post the opening on your social networking accounts–all with just one click of the mouse. This way you can reach your network audience that already follows your organization and also people associated with them–and directly communicate your opportunities.