Please fill-in below details to help us know you better and guide you in the process of associating with Universal Hunt Family.

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Contact No:

Q1 Are you interested in becoming Business Associate of Unversal Hunt ?

Yes, Definately
I am not sure but I want to explore thepossibility.

Q2 Which city would you liketo have your branch or unit into?


Q3 From where did you hear ofUniversal Hunt Business Associate opportunity?

Website of Universal Hunt
Received an email regardign this opportunity
Friend / colleague / employee of universal hunt
Any other means

Q4 Why would you like toconsider Recruitment Consulting business?

I have thoroughly understood this
I feel I may be good at it but need moreinformation
I have not yet made up my mind and so need moreinformation

Q5 Give details of yourhighest educational and professional background?

Not graduate
Graduate (any other than engineering degree)
Graduate (engineering degree)
Post Graduate (MBA)
Post Graduate (Any other than MBA)

Q6 How much amount do youplan to invest in fixed Infrastructure? (furniture, ac, pc etc)?

less than 5 lac
5-10 lac
10-20 lac
20 lac plus

Q7 How much monthly operatingcost can you manage for 6 months?

Less than 1 lac per month
1 to 3 lac per month
3 to 5 lac per month
more than 5 lac per month

Q8 Have you thought of anyteam size for this business?

Less than 10 persons
10 to 20 persons
20 to 30 persons
more than 30 persons
No, I do not understand the best size

Q9 What role do you see foryour self in this business?

I view my role as CEO / Unit Head / Branch Head ofmy Business Unit
I will only act as investor, I will notparticipate in the business.
I am not sure what role I can play.

Q10 What kind of annualprofit do you expect?

Less than 10 lac per annum
10-50 lac per annum
50 lac to 1 cr per annum
more than 1 cr per annum

Q11 Do you have experience ofany prior business?


Q12 Do you currently own anyoffice space?
